Monitoring Solutions in Azure

There is only one thing you need to focus on in Azure in order to become a real Azure Maverick when it comes to Monitoring Solutions in the Azure Cloud! All your Cloud Application monitoring needs are collected in a service called Azure Monitor.

The purpose of Azure Monitor is to provide you with a Unified Monitoring experience for your applications whether they are deployed to Azure or on premises you can take advantage of these powerful services!

Within Monitor Microsoft has collected all relevant services for the monitoring space: Powerful Log and Metric services with Alerting capabilities. A log of the actions you perform in Azure (Activity Log) and information about Azure Resource Health and Planned Maintenance. On top of this base plate additional Insight services are added, such as most notably the Application Insight Service, Network, VM, Container Insights and more. From the same Monitor you can manage Auto Scaling, Usage and Estimated Cost. You can take advantage on Advisory Recommendations on how to optimize your Azure environments, and your Azure spend. But wait there’s more! Microsoft is introducing powerful tools for Azure Governance with Management Groups and Blueprints that allow you to apply the same settings for Monitoring across your whole organization, across all your subscriptions and for all your current and future Azure Resources.

At a recent Ignite tour Presentation 95% of the attendees with production services in Azure, but only 10% of the same audience had even looked at Azure Monitor! People don’t know that this service exists! There is a lot of power wasted in Monitor. With a lot of news and more coming most companies are under-utilising its great potential. If you learn about Monitor, you will become an Azure Maverick able to find the illness in any Azure Solution and diagnose problems quickly and effortlessly! This will save your organisation a lot of time and money and highly likely make you more successful!

Level: 300

Topic: Azure Management

Category: Developers & IT Professionals

Date: October 9th – (10am-5pm) CET

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