Archives: Events

Bring Azure services and management to any infrastructure with Azure Arc

For customers who want to simplify complex and distributed environments across on-premises, edge, and multi-cloud, Azure Arc enables deployment of Azure services anywhere and extends Azure management to any infrastructure. In this session, Thomas Maurer will demonstrate the new Azure Arc capabilities for your Hybrid environment. It will include how you can manage and govern… READ MORE

Azure Hybrid – Learn about Hybrid Cloud Management with Azure

In this session Cloud Advocate Thomas Maurer will give you an overview of the Hybrid Cloud offering of Microsoft Azure and how you can use the Azure Hybrid services like Azure Arc, Azure Update Management, Azure Stack and many more to introduce new Hybrid Cloud Management to your environment. Benefits of Attending this Session:  What… READ MORE

Governance: The forgotten key to managing cloud

We all want to use Cloud in our projects, and every customer I talk to has developers that want to pioneer their company’s adoption of the latest and coolest stuff. But for every success story there is a painful admission: Crazy costs from unconstrained adoption; sensitive data suddenly stored somewhere it shouldn’t be; technology gone… READ MORE

Beyond the cloud boundaries: a deep dive into Azure IoT!

PaaS, SaaS, Digital Twins, Pre-Configured solutions, Edge…. welcome to the world of Azure IoT! The decision is up to you, but you’re not alone. For businesses, it’s important to consider all the options because it makes a difference between a good and a great decision for your business. Benefits of Attending this Session: Decision making… READ MORE

Airplane buddy matching using Azure Form Recognizer

Let’s dive into the computer vision world by designing a system that can analyse the flight tickets and identify the other co-workers that will fly to the same destination as you. To be able to build such a system we will use the power of Azure Cognitive Services and Form Recognizer. Benefits of Attending this… READ MORE

Build It and Ship It!

In this talk, we’ll take a look at how you take a .NET library and build it, sign it, and deploy it to Azure DevOps Artifacts, NuGet, or your own repository using Azure DevOps. Benefits of Attending this Session:  DevOps Azure Key Vault Azure Artifacts

AI for the better

Do you want to be inspired by what AI can do for the better (life of people with disabilities)? 1 in 7 billion people on the planet have a disability that is visible or invisible. People who may need assistance, and this can be digital assistance! I am going to inspire you with ideas ready… READ MORE

Manage Priviliged identity on Azure and Azure AD

First we will discuss the principles of Azure PIM and why secure privileged accounts. We will then be able to see how Azure PIM works in theory. Then we will see the implementation of Azure PIM with a concrete case of securing account with Azure PIM. Benefits of Attending this Session:  My MVP which is… READ MORE